Iloma Dickens

Iloma Dickens

Director of Accounting Logistics

Iloma Dickens has over 15 years of credit, collection, and accounting experience. Ms. Dickens began her career with AirTran Airways in Philadelphia, PA and quickly excelled to the role of supervising and managing the daily operation of the airline. Ms. Dickens received an offer to work at Amtrak, where she was promoted up the ranks and held various accounting positions. In 2002, she relocated to the Savannah, GA area and began her tenure with SNF Holding Company where she remained for 14 years. Ms. Dickens started as an Account Manager, and was promoted to Accounts Receivable Analyst, and finally to Sr. Credit Analyst.

Ms. Dickens has made use of her Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management by managing all aspects of the accounts receivable department to include credit, collections, cash applications, invoicing, and training of all new employees. Ms. Dickens has also written policies and procedures, spear-headed various accounting software implementations, and received an esteemed award for outstanding customer service. Ms. Dickens is very excited in her new role as Director of Accounting Logistics where she brings many years of domestic and international experience.